Class Descriptions
Movement & Meditation
This is a gentle, slowly-paced class with some accessible challenge. The movements (meditation in motion) will help build strength and flexibility while maintaining body and breath awareness. Classes include a short meditation and focused pranayama (breathwork). This class is designed to leave you feeling grounded and refreshed. All levels welcome, ideal for beginners.
Gentle Flow
A traditional hatha yoga class with emphasis on connecting the mind and body to the flow of the breath. Gentle with a bit of challenge, at an ease-ful and slower pace than most flow classes. Come join us for a kind and friendly experience. You’ll leave relaxed, energized and inspired. All levels welcome, ideal for beginners.
Rise & Shine
A morning yoga practice is the best way to start your day! This class may begin with several minutes of floor work to ease into the day, followed by a focus on standing postures, sun salutations and sequences designed to increase strength, flexibility, stamina and mental clarity. In addition to asana, breathing techniques and short meditations are often included. You will leave class feeling energized and centered, ready to continue the day with calm and focus. Appropriate for most levels.
Energy Medicine Yoga
Energy Medicine Yoga is an integrative yoga practice, combining traditional yoga techniques with the work of Donna Eden. The practice includes asana poses, breathwork, meditation and Energy Medicine techniques such as acupressure holds, Neurolymphatic Reflex self-massage (a unique and powerful way of working with and clearing your lymphatic system), and energy channel clearings. EMYoga will help unlock the language of your body to amplify your healing power – mind, body, and spirit. The result is a deep love, appreciation and acceptance of yourself just as you are now, as you continue on a path toward your best self. All levels welcome, ideal for beginners.
Restorative yoga involves passive, supported postures to encourage complete relaxation, nourish the nervous system, and renew energy levels. This class may be very therapeutic and enjoyable for beginners, those with injury, chronic pain, or limited mobility, athletes, those who have trouble sleeping or feeling well-rested, athletes, and anyone who is always busy. All levels welcome.
A passive practice, Yin Yoga complement more active styles of exercise (power yoga, running, cycling, crossfit). It involves variations of seated and supine poses typically held for 3 to 5 minutes, accessing deeper layers of fascia (connective tissues). Yin yoga is especially effective for people who really need and want to slow down from the stressful pace of their lives. While the end result is relaxation, yin is about being in sensation and sometimes we “stay” with strong feelings in the body and emotions. Props may be employed but this is not restorative yoga. All levels welcome.
Yoga Attunement
To attune is to bring into harmony, or to make aware or responsive. In this class we will explore unwinding movements to encourage physical openings, particularly areas of long-held tension or old injury. Through stillness, we will cultivate sensory awareness to invite greater harmony in body, mind, and spirit. Based on the work of Tias Little, Don Stapleton, and Thomas Hanna. This approach is particularly effective for individuals who enjoy exploring subtle aspects of the practice and slowing down. All levels welcome.
A powerful strength and endurance building class that will invigorate and energize you. Use focused breathing to overcome challenges in balance and total-body engagement. We will move with intention and focus on body awareness through alignment and transitions between postures. Appropriate for most levels.
Align & Flow
Deepen your practice with an intensive investigation of asana infused with meditative awareness. Every few weeks we explore a different theme or work toward a peak pose within the context of a well-rounded sequence. Slower than a traditional vinyasa class, with less focus on constant movement and more attention given to proper alignment, with plenty of challenges to help you transcend your perceived limitations. This approach will help you to achieve a greater understanding of the postures as well as the subtler aspects of yoga. Arm balances and inversions are often included. Modifications always offered, but we recommend you have a solid grounding in fundamental yoga postures before taking this class.
Kundalini yoga is a spiritual and physical practice that combines breath work, movement, meditation, and mantras to awaken and harness the dormant energy (kundalini) within the body. The practice focuses on activating and balancing the chakras to enhance physical health, mental clarity, and spiritual growth. Often described as a transformative experience, Kundalini yoga aims to raise consciousness and connect practitioners to their higher selves.